Removing the Entire Breast Implant Capsule

Removing Entire Breast Implant Capsule En Bloc

Breast implant removal is commonly called ‘explanting the implant’, or explant for short. In the video below, Dr. Ergun Kocak (left) and Dr. Pankaj Tiwari (right), from Midwest Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, discuss the importance of removing the entire breast implant capsule during explant surgery. The doctors discuss the formation of biofilms, or as Dr. Kocak describes them, trenches where bacteria like to hide. This discussion applies to both saline and silicone implants!

Shortly after a breast implant of any type is place in the body, scar tissue called a capsule, begins to form around the implant. If you have Breast Implant Illness, you MUST have the scar tissue capsule removed with the implant intact. In other words, the scar tissue that formed around the implant should be removed without being ruptured or drained.

The gold standard for explant surgery is En Bloc, a specific type of total capulsectomy.

En Bloc Total Capsulectomy

Drs. Kocak and Tiwari are experts in the En Bloc breast implant removal procedure. En Bloc is a specific type of total capsulectomy, which removes both the implant and the entire tissue capsule intact. Breaking the capsule of scar tissue while it is still in your body releases toxins surrounding the implant.

In En Bloc explant surgery, the capsule is removed without disrupting the implant.

Do NOT allow your surgeon to drain the implants first or to remove the implant and then the remaining capsule. This exposes your body to toxins in the capsule and biofilms around the implant. The capsule of tissue and the implant should be removed together without rupturing the capsule.